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End of Life Coaching

Peace is the gift you leave your family 

through preparation.

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Post Life Planning

Preparing family before need

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End of Life Coordination

Choosing services for close or current needs

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End of Life Counseling

Healing, processing, creating new routines post loss

How could an End of Life Coordinator be helpful?

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Post Life Planning

Does my loved one have a


Where are their important


Does my family know the

actual costs of bereavement?

Do I have enough insurance coverage for my family to continue their current lifestyle if I’m gone?

Who will take care of my family?

Where do my assets go?

What about my pets?

Who makes the decisions if I’m unconscious?

Will preplanning really save me money?

End of Life Coordination

Who do I call first if my loved one passes away?

Where are my loved ones transported to?

Do I need to call other services in addition to the funeral home to make arrangements?

What should I expect if they’re in hospice?

Do they want their organs donated?

Do they want to be resuscitated?


How long should I leave them on life support?

Do I need death certificates?

Who’s in charge of their


Can someone come with me to help me through these appointments?

End of Life Counseling

How do I begin to process

my feelings?

How long can I be away

from work?

Is there any financial assistance during our grieving period?

What if my partner and I grieve differently?

Are there other ways to cope besides talking?

What if I have no support system?

How do I close any remaining accounts?

How do I cope with unresolved issues?

Need Support?

Book 1 hr Counseling Appt (for Mental & Emotional Support)

Book 1 hr Coaching Appt (for building strategies & attainable goals)

Book 2 hr Group Training for Church, Organization, or Community

Book Jas’Tone as a Speaker for next Event

Book 1 hr Insurance Options Consultation

Buy End of Life support guide and workbook, There’s More to Death than Dying

(Get Resources page)

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Life Insurance & Burial Insurance

We cover our cars, and we cover our houses, but have we covered ourselves? We are the most valuable possession we own! You are special and irreplaceable - and you can change your life (and your family’s lives) and create wealth by obtaining adequate insurance for yourself! Learn how (book a consultation).

Which is best for you?

As a fully licensed insurance agent, Jas’Tone is happy to help you understand the different insurance products, benefits (and risks), and walk you through affordable options!

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